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CataloxyCondiciones de uso de la página webNormas de publicación de productos y servicios

Política de privacidad y Aviso legal


Rules for Products and Services Publication


Cataloxy-Mx.com gives you an opportunity to post your company’s products and/or services catalog.

Products and services posted on behalf of your company will be displayed on your company’s page (For the Clients block, Products and Services section) and stored in the common products and services database of our website.

To post a product/service, register your company on our website, because a product or a service is posted on behalf of a specific company.

If you do not have a registered company or you are an individual, please use our free billboard.

Restrictions and Options

  • Products and services ads from a specific company, unlike private ads, are posted for indefinite term. Thus, you do not have to renew the ad to make sure that it is not removed if expired.
  • You may add an unlimited number of products and services to your company.
  • To optimize the products catalog management, you may use the multiple products upload from an Excel file.
  • Posting your products and services in our catalog boosts your company’s rating on the website. All products and services specified by your company are displayed in the Products and Services/Corporate Ads section and are displayed in search results on the website. Products and services page viewing, as well as users entering your company’s page, increase your company’s rating on the website.

Rules and Recommendations for Filling out the Form

  • To post products and services, login to your Personal Account and choose Add Corporate Product/Service».
  • You can only post products or services under a relevant heading. You will be prompted to choose it prior to posting the product information.
  • Be careful, as relevance of your product to the chosen heading impacts the statistics of product/service page views:
    • Consumer Products refers to large-scale goods.
    • Real estate refers to real estate purchasing, selling and renting.
    • Community refers to events you organize: campaigns, sales, concerts, etc.
    • Vehicles refers to the purchasing, selling and renting of motor and water transport, as well as farming machines and special purpose machines.
    • Services refers to all types of services.
    Please make sure that you choose a correct type of proposal for the product: Want to Sell, Want to Buy, Lease out, Take on Lease, Want to Trade.
  • The structure of index is subject to change. New headings may appear, while the old ones might be removed.
  • If you have doubts regarding which heading to choose, choose Miscellaneous section.
  • Follow these recommendations when filling out the form:

    • When entering Product/Service Mame avoid long descriptions and unnecessary specifications. They are better to be specified in the Ad Text field. It’s better to indicate a key feature of the product. For example, if your company engages in garden design and lawn furniture items, it is better to create several product and service ads, as long as they may have different prices and may be placed under different headings:
      Correct: Garden benches; Rattan lawn furniture; Park statues; Fountains; Landscape design, etc.
      Incorrect: Landscape design and lawn furniture; Gardening solutions
    • Fill in the Description field with a description of the product/service using up to 2500 characters.
    • Fill in the Price field with an average of the proposal if it is comprised of different products or services. Please note that the price should be entered without spaces. If you do not want to indicate the price, check Negotiable box.
    • Posting a photo of your item will increase the number of views. You can post up to 4 photos for each product/service. You can upload images in gif, png and jpeg formats. To upload an image, press the icon and indicate the file path. To delete an image, mouseover its icon and press on the cross.
    • For your convenience, the Location field will automatically display the information you have indicated in your previous ads or in the registration form. In case the data are not correct or not full, choose the current country, state and city from the dropdown menu. You can indicate your company’s full address or location of the shop where users can buy this product in the “Additional info” section.
    • T contact details block will automatically display the data you have indicated in your previous ads or in the registration form. You may edit them if needed. Your e-mail is not displayed in the ad, however, users can send you a message via a contact form on our website. Messages sent via the form will be stored in the Inbox section of your Personal Account. A copy of notification will be immediately sent to your e-mail.
    • You can edit or remove your product/service at any time. To do this, login to your Personal Account, choose the product/service and press the relevant icon in the upper right-hand corner: - to edit the ad, - to remove the ad.

Product/Service Removal from the Catalog

  • Corporate and personal ads are partially moderated prior to posting. The website administration is not responsible for their content.
  • The ads subject to reasonable complaints from the users of Cataloxy-Mx.com, will be removed from the catalog.
  • In the event of publishing illegal data or information that may be harmful to other companies, the ad and the relevant company will be removed from the catalog.
  • Users posting any statute-prohibited or immoral ads, are responsible for such posting.
  • If a moderator decides to remove a product/service from the catalog, a notification is sent to the user. Should the users consider such removal unreasonable, they may contact the Help Desk to get explanations.
  • In the event of minor violations, the ad may be blocked. A notification will be sent to the user. Once the ad has been corrected, it will be republished.

* Recuerda que en el caso de no cumplir con las Condiciones de uso o violarlas, la administración del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar los datos introducidos o efectuar las modificaciones que considere oportunas.