Política de privacidad y Aviso legal
Rules for publishing a company in the catalog
Why to Publish Your Company in the Catalog?A free of charge publishing of your company in our catalog (hereinafter - the catalog) will help you to expand your online advertising space, attract new clients, increase web indexing and website traffic. It will also provide advertising opportunities to companies that do not have corporate websites or have just created their websites, or are considering to create them. Besides, Cataloxy-Mx.com provides additional options for promoting your company within the catalog. You will be able to manage interest of the visitors of our website in your company, thus attracting new prospective clients. Please, pay attention: The website implements a weekly rating system. The higher the rating of the company during the last 7 days, the higher its position in the search results and other lists! To increase the traffic of your company’s page for free, post links to the page from other Internet sources. Learn more... Moderation
Restrictions and Options
Rules for Filling out a Registration Form
Rating of the Companies
Reviews posting rules
Recommendations for reviews.
El comentario debe describir tu experiencia personal de relaciones con esta empresa.
Cuenta los aspectos positivos o negativos sobre la empresa que has notado.
Recuerda que tus comentarios los van a leer otras personas, respétalas, selecciona las palabras adecuadas. Website CreationTo create your company’s website, you may simply register it in the catalog. Once you fill in all the information and save it, you can find your company in the dropdown menu in My Websites section. Choose it. Continue… button will appear next to the list. You are to think of your website’s name. The website can be located on a third-level domain, e.g.: company-name.ctlx.es). When choosing the name of the website, follow the instructions in the form. One of the examples is the www.ctlx.es website we have created. We used only standard tools and design elements of www.cataloxy-mx.com as the basis. In the end we have created an informative corporate-style website:-) That’s where we publish news regarding improved processes of creating websites on our platform. This website can also be used as a website creation manual. Remember that we are always happy to answer all your questions! Please, use our feedback form. * Recuerda que en el caso de no cumplir con las Condiciones de uso o violarlas, la administración del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar los datos introducidos o efectuar las modificaciones que considere oportunas. |