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Rules for publishing a company in the catalog

Why to Publish Your Company in the Catalog?

A free of charge publishing of your company in our catalog (hereinafter - the catalog) will help you to expand your online advertising space, attract new clients, increase web indexing and website traffic. It will also provide advertising opportunities to companies that do not have corporate websites or have just created their websites, or are considering to create them.

Besides, Cataloxy-Mx.com provides additional options for promoting your company within the catalog. You will be able to manage interest of the visitors of our website in your company, thus attracting new prospective clients.

Please, pay attention: The website implements a weekly rating system. The higher the rating of the company during the last 7 days, the higher its position in the search results and other lists! To increase the traffic of your company’s page for free, post links to the page from other Internet sources. Learn more...


  • All companies recently registered in the catalog are moderated. Following the moderation, the website administration may edit information or remove the company from the catalog.
  • If the company has indicated a website, which is not an official website of this company, nongovernmental organization, public authority, may be remove from the catalog.
  • The company, which is subject to reasonable complaints from the users of Cataloxy-Mx.com, may also be removed from the catalog.
  • In the event of posting illegal data or information that may be harmful to other companies, the company may be removed from the catalog.
  • A notification is sent, if a page is removed from the catalog. If the users consider the removal to be unreasonable, they may contact the Help Desk to get explanations.

Restrictions and Options

  • Several companies may be registered per one catalog account. This is useful if you need to publish two or more companies under different headings, or if the company’s website promotes a specific trademark of the company. Or it is possible to specify details of the representative offices of one company in different states.
  • The company is published in the catalog for indefinite time!
  • To get the most of your posting in the catalog, track your page’s popularity. Follow our recommendations on your company’s page in Increase traffic section.
  • You can link Products/Services and Jobs sections to your company. This will help the visitors, and will significantly influence your company’s page rating in the catalog.
  • The companies engaging in the illegal activities cannot be published in the catalog.
  • Only the companies, public authorities and non-governmental organizations may be published in the catalog. Short and full descriptions should only contain information that is useful for end-users: your company’s core operations, achievements, advantages of cooperation with you, and other best qualities of your company. Please, note: the better your company’s description is, the better is your prospective clients’ and partners’ impression of you.
  • Individuals cannot be registered as companies. You can advertise your services at our free billboard. For example, companies with such names as “Providing cargo carriage services” will be marked as incorrect and queued for removal. The only exception is for individuals carrying out business on the Internet, if they have their personal websites (website owner’s name is indicated) or if the website contains comprehensive information on services offered, e.g., website of photographers, artists, stylists, etc.

Rules for Filling out a Registration Form

  • To register your company, you have to register on our website and login to your Personal Account via the form in the upper right-hand corner of the website. The menu will prompt you to Add a company.
  • When filling in the company’s information, follow onscreen tips and recommendations.
  • When filling in Contact E-mail field, be very attentive: the e-mail you indicated during registration will be used by default. You can edit it or enter several e-mails, separated by commas. You will receive messages from your company’s page visitors to this e-mail.
  • We recommend to indicate the company’s official website, which has its own domain. It can be either officially registered second-level domain or domain of any other level. If you have several websites, do NOT indicate all of them in Website field, as this might result in incorrect display of your company’s page in the catalog. Indicate your primary website. You can indicate other websites in the description of the company or in Other Contacts field. If the website, indicated in these fields, starts with www. or https://, the link will also become active.
  • Every company in the catalog is a representative office of the company in a specific city. If the company is located in several cities, you have to create new pages for each local office. However, if you have several branch offices or sales outlets within the same city, you can indicate mseveral addresses. Use Add Another Address link in the editing form.
  • Describe your company as precisely as possible. It will determine what requests will lead prospective clients to your company's page. The more complete the information is, the more target visitors and, therefor, more benefits for you. Pay attention to the Keywords: specify the words that most accurately describe your company, and which might come up in your prospective clients’ searches.
  • Do not fill in data not corresponding to the purpose of the fields. For example, do not list your services, contact details, etc. in the company’s name. To advertise your products, add it to the special Add Company’s Product/Service section or use our free billboard if you are an individual.
  • Once the account holders have filled in all the fields and saved the company's information, they will receive an e-mail notification with a permanent link to the company’s page. You can also edit the company's information using this link.
  • The members of the catalog publish reliable information about their companies, their contact details, core businesses. If the company has its website, the data indicated in the catalog should correspond to the data of the company's official website.
  • By posting links to image files, the member of the catalog is responsible for their credibility and compliance with the required parameters. If verification shows that the image does not comply with the requirements, it will be deleted without notification.
  • А part of information published in the catalog is aggregated by the website robot, which analyzes public sources on the Internet.Cataloxy-Mx.com is not responsible for correctness of the posted information. In the event the data published in the catalog does not correspond to the information on your company's website, contact our Help Desk, and we will take measures to correct it or to provide an access to the Personal Account.

Rating of the Companies

  • The website implements a weekly rating system. The higher is the rating of the company during the last 7 days, the higher is its position in search results and other lists. For example, if the search inquiry is “laminated flooring board”, those companies with higher total rating (including page traffic and information completeness) will be on the top. The rating of the company is increased once a user enters the page.
  • Companies that have submitted the fullest information are placed at the beginning of the heading.
  • Information completeness also means that the company has published its Products and Services list, posted its open Jobs and News. Once a user enters the page, the rating is increased by a specific coefficient counted in accordance with quantity and quality of the posted Products, Jobs or News.
  • Links from third party websites greatly influence the company's page rating than links from Cataloxy-Mx.com internal pages.
  • Please, note that the rating is greatly influenced by your initiative and activity, such as posting company’s products and services, jobs, news, use of activated paid services. See Traffic section on your company’s page for additional information on how to increase your rating.


  • The structure of the index is subject to change. New headings can be added, while the old ones might be removed.
  • The companies are published under relevant subject headers.
  • The users specify the headings on their own when adding/editing the company’s page. When verifying the changes, a moderator may correct company’s relevance to specific headings at its own discretion.
  • If you did not find a relevant heading, please, send your suggestions to our Help Desk.

Reviews posting rules

  • Both registered and non-registered users can post reviews about working with the company.
  • The catalog administration no reviews the reviews confirmed.
  • Whether a comment about a company is positive or negative, the comment can be removed by processing the text-checking algorithm without specifying the reason for deletion (you can see the most common reasons for rejection at the end of this section in the review recommendations).
  • Representatives of the company are not able to delete reviews on their own.
  • Once a review is posted, the company will be notified by e-mail. If a company representative believes that the information posted is false, s/he is entitled to dispute the reviews. In this case, the comment will be hidden and the person preparing the review will receive an e-mail request to confirm of his consent to be fully responsible for the published facts in the review. If the customer confirms that the review is accurate, it will be posted with no right for appeal.
  • Authors bear responsibility for their reviews. Cataloxy-Mx.com representatives have no responsibility for correct or false information submitted by users. Author information (IP address or e-mail) shall not be transferred to third parties, except for requests from authorized bodies.

Recommendations for reviews.

El comentario debe describir tu experiencia personal de relaciones con esta empresa. Cuenta los aspectos positivos o negativos sobre la empresa que has notado. Recuerda que tus comentarios los van a leer otras personas, respétalas, selecciona las palabras adecuadas.
No se publicarán aquellos comentarios que:
 — sean publicitarios;
 — no estén justificados, sean inútiles para otros visitantes o sean típicos;
 — contengan palabras groseras o insultos;
 — estén escritos con MAYUSCULAS;
 — los comentarios que contengan hechos provocativos o incriminatorias que son difíciles de verificar y que tengan qye ser revisados por un juez, y no estar en el catálogo;

Website Creation

To create your company’s website, you may simply register it in the catalog. Once you fill in all the information and save it, you can find your company in the dropdown menu in My Websites section. Choose it. Continue… button will appear next to the list. You are to think of your website’s name. The website can be located on a third-level domain, e.g.: company-name.ctlx.es). When choosing the name of the website, follow the instructions in the form.
Once you have thought of the name of the website, your website is ready! Now you only have to publish it by clicking on the corresponding button. Once the website has been created, it will use the data you indicated when adding the company to the catalog and display those items you have already added - your news, jobs, products, etc. You can configure the website as you like. You can create independent pages for articles, the number of which is not limited! And, certainly, to make the website more visually attractive, you can enter the edit mode and set up the display image in real time as you want. This flexible system enables you to create a full-fledged visually attractive website.

One of the examples is the www.ctlx.es website we have created. We used only standard tools and design elements of www.cataloxy-mx.com as the basis. In the end we have created an informative corporate-style website:-) That’s where we publish news regarding improved processes of creating websites on our platform. This website can also be used as a website creation manual.

Remember that we are always happy to answer all your questions! Please, use our feedback form.

* Recuerda que en el caso de no cumplir con las Condiciones de uso o violarlas, la administración del sitio web se reserva el derecho de eliminar los datos introducidos o efectuar las modificaciones que considere oportunas.